
Seismic Assessment and Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Structures

SeismoBuild is an innovative Finite Element package wholly and exclusively dedicated to seismic assessment and strengthening of reinforced concrete structures that is targeted to the design office. It is the only civil engineering software worldwide that is totally committed to structural assessment and retrofitting.
The program is capable of fully carrying out the Code-defined assessment methodologies from the structural modeling through to the required analyses and the corresponding member checks. Nonlinear Dynamic analysis is available with the easy generation of spectrum-compatible artificial or synthetic accelerograms. Currently, six Codes are supported (the Eurocodes along with the majority of the available National annexes, the American Code for Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Buildings ASCE 41-17, the Italian National Seismic Codes NTC-18 & NTC-08, the Greek Seismic Interventions Code KANEPE, and the Turkish Seismic Evaluation Code TBDY). Both metric and imperial units, as well as European and US reinforcing bars types, are supported.

